In response, the device sends the current value of the multiplication factor to the controller over the channel called factor. 作为响应,设备把乘数的当前值通过叫作factor的通道发送给控制器。
This causes the device to double the current multiplication factor, reset the alarm using the current timer value as the base, and go back to waiting for the next event. 这造成设备把当前乘数加倍,用当前计时器的值作为基值重新设置闹钟,然后返回,继续等候下一个事件。
In this paper, the dependences of the dark current and optical multiplication factor on temperature for InGaAs/ InGaAsP/ InP SAGM-APD have been investigated and measured. 本文论述了暗电流I和光倍增因子Mp与温度T的关系,并测量了InGaAs/InGaAsP/InPSAGM-APD的暗电流&温度变化率与Mp-T特性。